Thank you, Andrew, this is a well articulated description of a real problem. I agree with your analysis, but I wonder what you suggest we do about it. What are the ways to make personal progress in addressing this problem, in your view? How do we become able to tolerate and repudiate the shaming that comes to us when we step into challenging the safe conversation in our personal and professional lives?

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Thank you Andrew, you have articulated well the silent sufferings of men and the impact that this has on women. Brilliant! I would definitely like to meet you and discuss the work I am doing at www.softenthefuckup.com ..... Bravo mate, Bravo

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Dear Andrew

Are you presenting a personal perspective rather than one that is true for men and women generally?

As a coach working with both, one on one and in groups, I don't find what you say to be accurate.

Some men, some women, fall into the categories you describe but it's long past in my experience that it is true for the majority that there is an imbalance.

Any imbalance of power in society between men and women exists only in the mind of the person that believes that exists.

I posted a poem here recently to point to where our reality is created. Based on feedback I've expanded it. I suggest that this is where problems exist.


Seeing beyond our frozen fears and imagined needs lies another realm,

a realm unrivalled.

Seeing beyond our beliefs, opinions and judgements –

of being right and making others wrong – is another state,

a state of wisdom and common sense.

Seeing beyond anger, violence, murder and mayhem,

our inner peace and equanimity reside.

Seeing beyond racism, nationalism, communism, capitalism – freed of all isms –

we live unhindered by our conditioned minds and hardened hearts.

Seeing beyond acceptance and tolerance is another world –

a world of kindness and understanding.

Seeing beyond theology, philosophy, science and certainty –

a life of openness exists.

Seeing beyond our need for more, better, different,

we discover satisfaction with what we have.

Seeing beyond our alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony – all forms of self-harm –

we see what is and wake up.

And yes:

Seeing beyond our crimes, arrests, trials and incarcerations –

a pure heart is beating.

Seeing beyond all conflicts, wars, dominance, and control,

and just one thought away –

even a mind appearing psychopathic and a heart seeming fractured –

like President Putin’s,

or simply a couple lost in their day-to-day disagreements,

our innate desire for peace remains.

And finally:

Seeing beyond this story, your story, their story – every story ever written or told,

our life is unbridled.

And there, before our lifelong accumulation,

an all-embracing warmth melts the edges of division,

dissolving the illusion of you and me, of them and us.

Our true self revealed – humanity’s innocence understood – the unknown embraced.

This internal, eternal universe is home – is love.

Our mind’s at peace, a new reality seen, a life fulfilled.

Our life of decency creating a world of Possibility.

With love ... John

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